U.S. Movement for Palestinian Communities

From Objective Earth



Ph 12995 87711.jpg
OrganizationRebuilding Alliance
Region Palestine
Website Website
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Twitter @Twitter
ProjectLeader Donna Baranski-walker

In this time of crisis, your support allows Rebuilding Alliance to engage House and Senate offices to intervene for Palestinian safety. To prevent demolitions of homes and schools, RA responds fast, case by case, especially when there's only 96 hours to mobilize. We invite senior staff of ALL House and Senate offices, all parties, to schedule Zoom briefings w experts. This is not lobbying since it is not about legislation - we engage constituents to request their elected officials' intervention.


Over 10,000 Palestinians in Jerusalem are at risk of losing their homes. In the West Bank, >16,000 Palestinian families have demolition orders incl. 56 schools. Now Israeli military orders give only 96 hrs before demolition & no notice for confiscations. As settlements expand, Palestinian communities face violence & land theft. The night raid arrests of children are heartbreaking. U.S. Congress will intervene case by case, privately or publicly, but only when constituents ask.

Long-Term Impact

In 2008, Rebuilding Alliance brought Al Aqaba's Mayor Haj Sami to Congress. Everyone emailed their Senators & Reps to keep Al Aqaba standing. That worked - for 12 yrs, no demolition orders in this Area C village in Firing Zone 900 as 60 families built new homes. In Jan, a settler judge ruled to demolish a young couple's house - but in Nov/22 the village's appeal against further demolitions succeeded! The Israeli Army backtracked on a 96 hour demolition order. Families will stay in their homes.


  1. http://www.rebuildingalliance.org
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqTF42-Zx5Y
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0GxjZGv784&t=4385s
  4. https://peacenow.org.il/en/two-days-after-the-meeting-with-president-biden-the-israeli-government-is-promoting-the-plans-in-e1
  5. https://touchingphotographs.com/

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[[Category:Justice and Human Rights in United States Projects]], [[Category:Lack of support and resources for Palestinian communities in the US Projects]]

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