Supports Colombian families affected by the winter

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationUn Techo para mi Pais Colombia
Region Colombia
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Ximena Orjuela

The winter wave has begun in Colombia. Torrential rains and floods have hit extremely hard to families in conditions of poverty throughout the Colombian territory. At TECHO we want to deliver food kits to those affected and emergency housing, especially to low-income families and women. As an NGO, we have been working for more than 16 years in Colombia and 25 years in Latin America to guarantee a dignified life for the people who need it most.


The winter wave in Colombia is a natural phenomenon that occurs annually in which heavy rains and flash floods for at least 30 days affect thousands of families living in poverty. These floods affect many of them who do not have a home to shelter from the rain or other natural phenomena.

Long-Term Impact

Hand in hand with our partners, we strive to raise funds and awareness for humanitarian crises around the world. We believe that by partnering with TECHO, an organization that brings people together to lift Latin American communities out of poverty, we can truly make a difference. We know that with your help we can transform this situation! In this campaign, we hope to feed 1200 people and deliver at least 2 emergency housing units.



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