Support for Afghanistan

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationActionAid USA
Region Kenya
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Francis Noon

The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan is unfolding rapidly, with hundreds of thousands of people displaced in their own country. This humanitarian emergency is exacerbating an existing food crisis. According to the World Food Program, 14 million people in Afghanistan are facing severe food shortages, including 2 million children who are at risk of malnutrition. ActionAid will expand our long-standing programming and provide food, water, hygiene kits, and counseling support.


There has been an escalation of tensions in the country, which has caused hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes - according to UNHCR, roughly 80 percent of the displaced people in Afghanistan are women and children. We know that in these conflicts, displacement puts the most vulnerable people in society at further risk of harm. In their displacement, they face increased exposure to Covid-19, escalating food prices, and risk of gender-based violence.

Long-Term Impact

ActionAid's response is community-driven and rights-based, which means your donation today invests in change that lasts. ActionAid's support provides both short-term crisis response as well as long-term resilience building.



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[[Category:Disaster Response in Afghanistan Projects]], [[Category:Lack of support for Afghanistan Projects]]

[[Category:Disaster Response in Afghanistan Projects in Afghanistan]], [[Category:Lack of support for Afghanistan Projects in Afghanistan]]