Support elderly people living in remote areas

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationCharity foundation Dari edu
Region Russia
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Igor Shatunov

In the majority of small villages in Russia, elderly people live alone without any support of social or medical services there. Some of them suffer from severe diseases and cannot take care of themselves. It is quite often that there is no chance to visit a doctor. Even buying bread and milk is only possible once a week. Dari edu usually supports elderly people living in remote areas with food. Right now we need to collect 260 products sets for lonely people in need living in Sebeg,Pskov area.


According to UNECE, rural and remote areas in many countries experience more pronounced population aging than urban areas and subsequently, have a higher share of older residents. Most of the people there have various chronic diseases and live alone. In Russia, if a person had higher support needs and required more assistance, such as with cooking, eating, or personal hygiene, they could only ask relatives for help, pay for services, or move to an institution.

Long-Term Impact

Our foundation works according to the UN 2030 Agenda, our main global goals are Zero hunger, No poverty, and Good health and well-being of the population. This project will affect the families where single parents raise their children without any support. Through the project, we`ll make a meaningful contribution to their lives. The long-term effect of our project is to improve living conditions and increase their level of health and education. Even small donations can make a difference.



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