Support Spanish Primate Sanctuary

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationThe Mona Foundation
Region Spain
Website Website
Facebook Facebook
Twitter @Twitter
ProjectLeader Lorraine Docherty

The Mona Foundation provides sanctuary for rescued chimpanzees, and other primates, where they can live out their lives in the most natural environment possible. The primates in our care have all been rescued from abusive or unsuitable situations. Many are from the pet trade or entertainment industries where they have lived through extremely traumatic events like seeing their family killed or suffering physical abuse. MONA rehabilitates these primates, as they cannot be returned to the wild.


The Covid-19 crisis has hit the Mona primate sanctuary hard and we're now experiencing a catastrophic loss of vital income. We were forced to close our doors following government guidelines - something none of us could ever have imagined happening. We have lost over 60% of our income overnight, so right now we are totally reliant on donations from our supporters. With over half of our income reliant upon visitors to the sanctuary, we need to raise substantial funds to ensure we survive.

Long-Term Impact

These donations will safeguard against the significant loss of income caused by the sanctuary closing its doors to visitors and they are therefore essential in helping us maintain the long-term sustainability of the sanctuary to ensure we can rescue further primates in need of rescue.


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