Stop drownings in EU-Educate & save a child's life

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationSafeWaterSports-Hellenic Society for Safety in Water Sports and water recreation
Region Greece
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Panagiotis Paschalakis

Safe Water Sports plans to gift/donate five educational kit bags to schools in five European countries in order to educate children on how to stay safe in the water and sea. Safe Water Sports is a non-profit organisation founded in 2015 with an interest in (among others) providing information and raising awareness on safety issues in the water, in the sea and in water-related sports and recreational activities.


Drowning is considered the second leading cause of death due to an accident, with more than 5,000 deaths/year (at European level) for infants & children up to the age of 14. Each year, 50,000 European citizens (EU 27) are injured during water sports or boat activities due to lack of knowledge or bad behaviour. Safe Water Sports, taking this into consideration, has developed an educational kit bag containing numerous games, in order to strengthen children's awareness from a young age.

Long-Term Impact

Interactive and experiential games, especially for young ages, is considered as the most effective means of education. The project will educate students across Europe, helping them gain basic knowledge of how to stay safe in the water (sea, pools) or when participating in water related activities. Teachers will be able to use the educational kit in order to increase children's awareness in primary schools.



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