STEM Leadership Programs for Youth in DC, MD, VA
Organization | VirginiaFIRST |
Region | United States |
Website | Website |
ProjectLeader | Leighann Boland |
Linked Problems & Solutions
This project engages students with direct hands on programs using robotics as the "vehicle" to develop the technical and non technical life skills (STEM concepts and life skills such as teamwork, leadership and creative thinking) to be successful in future academic and career efforts. The K-12 continuum of FIRST programs builds upon skills and concepts, setting participants apart from their peers in both life skills and technical expertise as they mature.
The groundbreaking report, A Nation at Risk, stated "All, regardless of race or class or economic status, are entitled to a fair chance and to the tools for developing their individual powers of mind and spirit..." This report identified the alarming technology gap between the US and other nations. Today, students from our nation's schools, especially young women and minorities, are still at a disadvantage as they enter the global technological workforce.
Long-Term Impact
Students who participate in FIRST programs are more likely to go to college & secure employment in the tech-based workforce. 90% FIRST participants say that involvement in the program has improved both their academic & communication skills. Approx. 48% of FIRST Chesapeake program participants are young women, compared to 30% of women currently employed in STEM-based careers. Participation gives young women the confidence to enter & succeed in a field that has historically been reserved for men.
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