Restore Corals for 400 Fisherfolks in Wasini

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationAfrica Nature Organization
Region Kenya
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Moses Ziro

The Wasini Coral Restoration project will rehabilitate 3 ha of sea area by planting corals and establish a marine eco-facility. A healthy coral population supports over 400 fisherfolk (both men and women) within the Wasini Island entirely dependent on fishing and marine tourism for their livelihoods. The fisherfolk lost their livelihoods following fishery resource depletion and subsequent loss of tourists attracted by the diversity of fishery and marine resources within the island.


The fishery resource around Wasini Island has greatly declined due to overfishing occasioned by an influx of fishermen from neighboring villages using unsustainable fishing methods. Corals, as fish breeding sites and habitats, have been the most affected. Rising sea level has also affected mangroves as alternative fish breeding sites. The livelihoods of 300 registered fishermen, according to Kwale County Department of Fisheries and 100 others in related businesses have been adversely affected.

Long-Term Impact

The project will strengthen the capacity of fisher folks to manage the coral exclusive zone as a fishery recovery area and eco-tourism facility. A percentage of the incomes will be set aside to support further expansion of coral sites, eco-tourism and the management capacity of the fisher folk. This will secure both the conservation of the marine resource and livelihoods of the Wasini community.



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[[Category:Climate Action in Kenya Projects]], [[Category:Declining coral reefs in Wasini affecting livelihoods of 400 fisherfolks Projects]]

[[Category:Climate Action in Kenya Projects in Kenya]], [[Category:Declining coral reefs in Wasini affecting livelihoods of 400 fisherfolks Projects in Kenya]]