Rebuilding communities affected by 8.2 earthquake

From Objective Earth



Maqueta Large.jpg
OrganizationCooperación Comunitaria A.C.
Region Mexico
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Isadora Hastings García

After a magnitude 8.2 earthquake in the south of Mexico, more than 60,000 houses were damaged in Oaxaca state. In response, we developed a project with communities of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec region, that includes reconstruction of housing, kitchens and ovens; by recovering traditional knowledge and techniques and reinforcing the dwellings against earthquakes and strong winds. All the people involved in construction also participate in the reforestation project.


On September 7th an 8.2 earthquake shook the south of Mexico. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec, an area of high cultural and ecological diversity, was one of the most devastated areas. The Government has intervened with a policy of massive demolition of traditional houses, which responded to a commercial logic and discarding a large amount of reusable material. In addition, they were not considering the damage to the productive infrastructure (kitchens, ovens and comixcales) and to the income of women

Long-Term Impact

400 women reactivate family and local economy by producing food into safe and sustainable kitchens that they have designed and built. 170 stonemasons and 740 participants strengthen their technical skills in traditional construction with local materials. 450 inhabitants strengthen their capacities for self-management. 2 nurseries have been made with more than 1,000 local trees to reforest and 2 communities strengthen their skills in the seeds collection and reforestation.



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