Protect Bandhavgarh's Tigers From Poachers

From Objective Earth



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ProjectLeader Corinne Taylor-Smith

97% of the global wild tiger population has been lost in 100 years. Only 3500 remain so it's vital we protect them & their critical habitat. 2967 wild tigers are in India. Poachers have jeopardised wild tiger survival for years with snares consisting of anchored wires with sliding nooses camouflaged along tiger trails. Our Anti-Poaching Patrols aim to eradicate snares around Bandhavgarh so tigers can walk safely, & to educate local communities to change attitudes towards tigers/other wildlife.


The world's wild tigers & their forest habitats are under threat. Protected Tiger Reserves are surrounded by buffer zones, intended to define the boundaries of the burgeoning human population. Frequent wild animal movement leads to human-animal conflict in the buffers where poachers focus laying wire snares along tiger trails. Bandhavgarh has lost many tigers in snares. In 15 years, over 300 tigers have died in snares in India devastating wild tiger populations & threatening long-term survival.

Long-Term Impact

In India, Bandhavgarh has one of the highest densities of wild tigers, but India's forests & wildlife are disappearing at an alarming rate. Our patrols have reduced tiger deaths from poaching by 97% in 6 years. Wild tiger populations in India are recovering slowly due to intense conservation efforts so it's fundamental to maintain this positive impact by continuing patrolling which is key to the longterm survival of wild tigers; whilst educating & employing local people helps to relieve poverty.



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