Medic Outpost Africa

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationMedic Outpost, Inc.
Region United States
Website Website
Facebook Facebook
Twitter outpost @Twitter
ProjectLeader Larry Hill

Medic Outpost's mission is to provide training and equipment to remote first responders in rural Kenya. Medic Outpost will be training community healthcare workers in the Marurari/Jua Kalie slum on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. Our project goals will be to identify and evaluate chronic diabetes, high blood pressure, and respiratory illness including Covid-19. Primary school health clinics will be conducted to provide parasite and wound care treatment in the slums.


The urban poor are living in extreme conditions in slum communities in and around Nairobi Kenya. They do not have access to healthcare in these communities due to poverty and availability of healthcare services. Chronic health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, Covid-19, and sepsis. Intestinal parasites in schools go undetected in the communities. These conditions present a serious problem for the patients as well as providing an enormous strain on the healthcare system.

Long-Term Impact

Medic Outpost outreach programs will decrease the pain and suffering of community members with chronic health issues. Evaluation and treatment is key in decreasing mortality in low resource urban areas. Outpost school clinics provide prevention and treatment for intestinal parasites and wound care. The result of these clinics are an increase in productivity at schools, a decrease in developmental issues, and provide education on a healthy and productive lifestyle for children.



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