It's Hard to Learn When You're Hungry!

From Objective Earth



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Region Kenya
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ProjectLeader Bridget Higginson

The team at Pizz care and support more than 600 vulnerable children, many of whom are orphaned. Pizz offers a good education and helps children build their self-esteem and confidence. One of the issues staff noticed, is that many of the children come to school hungry. Responding to the need, the decision was taken to provide a hot lunch to all children with great results.


Inflation has continued to affect Zambians with massive price increases to all basic commodities. Many children live with elderly relatives who already struggle to feed themselves. This has resulted in children coming to school hungry. Concentrating is hard when you're hungry - it's hard to stay focused and take in what you're being taught. Hunger affects the wellbeing of the children as well as their attendance and academic performance.

Long-Term Impact

Many of the children have lost one or both parents and the health of a parent or guardian is often poor. We get some idea of the level of poverty when we realise that a school meal or free uniform is a great incentive to the children. Regular school attendance, improved concentration and results pave the way for a successful school career. If children are able to reach their potential in school, they have the opportunity to build a better future for themselves, their families and communities.



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[[Category:Education in Zambia Projects]], [[Category:Lack of access to food is hindering education Projects]]

[[Category:Education in Zambia Projects in Zambia]], [[Category:Lack of access to food is hindering education Projects in Zambia]]