I take care of myself to take care of others

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationFundacion CRAN
Region Colombia
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Camila Leyva

Caring is a demanding job; it requieres a huge effort. In this stage of isolation to prevent COVID 19 from spreading, the caregivers of our children have had to increase their days of living together and caring for children. Therefore, at CRAN we have designed an accompaniment process to care for our caregivers and promote in them the importance of maintaining their emotional, mental and physical well-being to guarantee the best conditions to take care of themselves and our children.


Due to the actual COVID - 19 situation, we have had to make some changes and arrengements withing our Institutional Home program which takes full time care of 62 boys and girls. Our caregivers also had to made changes in their usual ships in order to fully accompain our children but also to expose themselves as few as they can to the virus. Therefore, we have to ensure that the caregivers will have everything thay need to be mentally, emotionally and physically prepared to asume this challenge.

Long-Term Impact

Caregivers at CRAN will be aware of their abilities to take care of their physical weel-being and conditions. They will adopt dynamics of continous improvement for coexistence and relationchips among themselves and with children and the will implement empotional and physical practices to carry out their role and foster safe and loving environments for our children.


  1. https://www.cran.org.co

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