Hunger crisis in Africa

From Objective Earth



Csm keniaheuschreckenplagebekaempfunglandwirteernte 173e3f15c6 Large.jpg
OrganizationAktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.
Region Germany
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Theresa Aengenheyster

41 million people are currently at risk of dying from hunger in Africa. Extreme drought and ongoing armed conflicts have led to severe famine at the horn of Africa and the region around lake Chad. Our organisations support affected people in Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon, Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, DR Kongo and Southern Sudan. Please support us in our efford to save millions of lives in Africa.


A combination of drought and conflict has left the lives of more than 41 million African people in danger. The situation in Nigeria, Southern Sudan and Somalia is currently particularly dramatic. In total, people in at least 9 African states don't have any reserves left: in 2017, their livestock has perished from hunger and the last years harvest is not enough to both feed the family and plant new crops this season. Every donation helps us to save lives!

Long-Term Impact

It is our long-term goal to prepare inhabitants of areas, where droughts are likely, and equip them with knowledge of how to prevent a severe impact of the drought. For example, we distribute drought resistant seeds or train people in how to use water more effectively. Many of our projects are designed to improve self-help capacities to ensure that the target group becomes gradually independent from humanitarian aid.



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