Housing for Women leaving the Sex Industry

From Objective Earth



Sleeping 2 Large.jpeg
OrganizationTamar Center
Region Thailand
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Daniel Vaupel

We are raising funds for the costs of the housing that we provide for the women that want to leave prostitution in Pattaya. Most women do not have a place to stay once they leave the bars and because of that we offer the accommodation for free until the women start working.


The women that work in Prostituion in Pattaya often stay in shared rooms on top of the brothels and beer bars or share a room with other women working in the Industry. Our organization offers them vocational training and job placement as a way to leave this kind of life behind. But in order to really step away from it, they need a safe and good place to stay and be away from their old environment. On top of them we want them to help them to raise their children in a safe place as well.

Long-Term Impact

Our goal for the women is to leave Pattaya, maybe return to their families and to have a normal life outside of the sex industry. We will train the women job skills and help them to find employment or help them to start their own small business so that they can provide for themselves and their children. Also, when they return to their families, they will help to prevent other young girls and boys to start a work in the sex industry.


  1. http://www.tamarcenter.org/en/home
  2. http://www.tamarcenter.org/en/home
  3. https://www.facebook.com/Tamar-Center-207133515981571/
  4. https://tamarproducts.com/
  5. https://www.facebook.com/TamarBakeryandRestaurant/

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