Help our Eco Village get off-grid and sustainable

From Objective Earth



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Region South Africa
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ProjectLeader Sarah Bergs

This project will focus on getting the Nourish Eco Village to become more sustainable by minimising our environmental footprint. Honoring the Sustainable Development goals -we will develop a grey water system for all our waste water including showers and toilets and convert all our electricity to solar. We run a preschool, library, and feeding program and committing to going off-grid will help us afford more impactful upliftment projects and become sustainable; environmentally & economically.


The problem is environmental & economic; we are using the earths resources in an unsustainable way, wasting water every time we flush the toilet and creating fossil fuels every time we switch on the lights. Taking responsibility for our environmental footprint means finding ways to minimise our impacts on climate change by utilizing more sustainable sources of energy, & by finding ways to recycle our water for agriculture, so minimizing the energy we need and use. This is our eco village goal!

Long-Term Impact

The long term impact is that we will lead by example - showcasing the SGD of sustainable communities, as well as clean energy, and sustainable consumption. We will be a space where community members can come and be inspired as to how they can adopt these off grid innovations in their own space, and in addition using free ( solar) power will cost less, leaving us with more funds for other community development projects such as food security, childhood development and women's empowerment.



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