Help homeless animals access life-saving treatment

From Objective Earth



Ph 56907 221704.jpg
OrganizationManali Strays
Region India
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Becky Metcalf

Each year thousands of homeless animals become sick & injured. With no owners to take them to the vet, their medical problems can become life-threatening. In the Himalayan town of Manali, India, Manali Strays is the only animal rescue and vet hospital for homeless animals. We treat their medical problems, sterilise, and vaccinate them against the deadly rabies virus. We aim to end the suffering of street animals by creating a healthy, sterilised population that live in harmony with humans.


Manali Strays is the only animal rescue and veterinary hospital for homeless street animals in a 200 km radius. Government vet facilities only operate on an outpatient basis, and mainly treat large animals owned by local residents. We are the only facility offering 24-hour inpatient services, specifically set up to save street animals that would otherwise go untreated after being hit by vehicles, contracting infectious diseases, developing cancer, being attacked by other animals, etc.

Long-Term Impact

Providing quality medical care and a facility for street animals to recover encourages the wider community to seek help for street animals when they see them suffering. Before Manali Strays, people ignored the suffering because there was nowhere to take animals for treatment. As we sterilise all our rescues and carry out sterilisation camps, we are working towards controlling the street dog/cat population, creating a healthy sustainable population that lives in harmony with the community.



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