Help grow eco-minded startups in Africa

From Objective Earth



Week12Card 1 Large.jpg
OrganizationAssociation of African Entrepreneurs
Region Ghana
Website Website
Facebook Facebook
Twitter @Twitter
ProjectLeader Cornelius Nartey

Sustainable Entrepreneurship allows us to address and meet the needs of the present and the future of this generation, without compromising the needs of the future in all polyfunctional tools that are designed to meet true needs of humanity. The Association of African Entrepreneurs (AAE) encourages sustainability of designed products that lies in the capacity of producing general services to the needs of humans, society and the environment.


For years we have lost our power to stop climate change, as a result the effects of global warming have constantly affected our livelihoods and the communities we live in. In order to find our way back we need new paradigms and perspectives that show us exactly what we can implement in our everyday lives. However, this requires sustainable education, coaching and entrepreneurial support services.

Long-Term Impact

The Africa Association of Entrepreneurs (AAE) is a volunteer-run organization founded in 2004 that is passionate about business development and poverty alleviation. With a vision of being an engine for change and a platform for dialogue for African small-medium enterprises, AAE seeks to create virtual spaces for creative cultural expression, contribute to regional advocacy campaigns and promote innovation and sustainable entrepreneurship.



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[[Category:Climate Action in Ghana Projects]], [[Category:There is a lack of support for eco-minded startups in Africa Projects]]

[[Category:Climate Action in Ghana Projects in Ghana]], [[Category:There is a lack of support for eco-minded startups in Africa Projects in Ghana]]