Help Airlink Airlift Aid - Hurricane Fiona

From Objective Earth



OrganizationAirlink Inc
Region Afghanistan
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Lauren Makely

Hurricane Fiona has heavily impacted communities across Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Canada with heavy winds and rain creating flooding, mudslides, and significant damage to homes. We are currently working with relief partners who are on the ground assessing critical needs and assisting our NGO partners by coordinating airlift for emergency responders.


Hurricane Fiona left more than 50% of the Puerto Rico without power, 30% of the island without potable water, and hundreds remain isolated due to blocked roads and destroyed bridges. Many impacted areas of the island are still recovering from Hurricane Maria, which struck the island five years ago. On the eastern coast of Canada, Hundreds of thousands remain without power & telecommunications capabilities. Many are grappling with being displaced after residential flooding.

Long-Term Impact

Airlink has extensive experience responding to tropical storms and hurricanes in this region, having provided airlift for humanitarian aid following Hurricane Maria five years ago. Airlink will provide support through the recovery period as needed by our NGO partners.



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[[Category:Airlift aid needed for Hurricane Fiona Projects]], [[Category:Disaster Response in Puerto Rico Projects]]

[[Category:Airlift aid needed for Hurricane Fiona Projects in Puerto Rico]], [[Category:Disaster Response in Puerto Rico Projects in Puerto Rico]]