Help Abused Young Women get Justice in Leeds

From Objective Earth



LWA Christmas Card Design for Supporters Large.JPG
OrganizationLeeds Women's Aid
Region United Kingdom
Website Website
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Twitter @Twitter
ProjectLeader Nik Peasgood

Thousands of children and young women are affected by abuse - be that domestic violence, sexual abuse, forced marriage, honour based violence or stalking - and despite the taboo being lifted, it is often still kept secret, with victims and children remaining in dangerous situations, living in terror. We will give them a personal attack alarm, and help get them to court to give evidence, giving them safe and secure lives to make a positive contribution to each other and the community.


Young women and children experience a range of abuse from their nearest and dearest, including domestic and sexual violence from partners and parents, stalking, grooming and forced marriage. Many are too young or coerced to be able to understand the risk that they face and the future harm that may come to them, and they may not know what they can do or whether behaviour should be tolerated. If they don't recognise this it could result in their death.

Long-Term Impact

Lives can be saved. Many young women are murdered by their families in the name of 'honour' many young women are seriously injured or killed by family members or partners/boyfriends because of domestic or sexual violence, or stalking. Our campaign ties in with the International 16 Days of Action which runs from 25 November, "International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women", through to 10 December, "International Human Rights Day" educating women around the globe.



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