Help 90 young Colombians become nurse technicians

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationHospital Pablo Tobon Uribe
Region Colombia
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Diana Pavas

This project provides healthcare education to 90 students that live in vulnerability and without opportunities in Colombia. By providing them with education and becoming nurse technicians we give them the opportunity to change their lives and impact their families and the community. This allows them to have a dignified job, with a career that supplies the need of health practitioners that care for patients with complex diseases in Colombia.


We provide education to adolescents without opportunities and resources in order to supply the lack of nurse technicians able to take care of these patients. In Colombia, there is 1 nurse per every 1000 patients while the average in developed countries is 9 nurses according to the Organization for Cooperation and Economic Development - OCDE. In addition to this, the vulnerable situation in the country has led to the increase of patients with complex diseases and an increased mortality rate.

Long-Term Impact

Our institute educates 90 young people of limited resources as nurse technicians, giving them the opportunity to access a decent job. After graduation, 92% of the students are employed at Pablo Tobon Uribe Hospital. Since 2006, the Institute has graduated 354 students, as of today 73% of them still work at the hospital. We contribute to reduce the poverty rate, and increase employment in young adults as health care practitioners in Colombia.



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