Help 50 Title 1 Classrooms Meet Wildlife Up-Close!

From Objective Earth



IMG 5166 Large.JPG
OrganizationPiedmont Wildlife Center
Region United States
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Noelle Rizzieri

This project will bring our at-school wildlife conservation programs directly into Title 1 classrooms in the Triangle area of North Carolina, giving students an up-close and personal experience with animals (turtles, snakes, mammals, owls, hawks) that they may have never seen or interacted with before. Up to 1,500 students will learn conservation tips, gain a new understanding of the world around them and gain a personal experience that they can share with family and friends.


As a small nonprofit, our wildlife conservation programming is priced so that our animal care expenses, instructor time and truck maintenance are covered. Because of this, several Title 1 schools are unable to book our programs because they lack funding. Many students in Title 1 schools do not have adequate access to museums and nature facilities in the area require an admission fee. This causes a division between those who interact with nature constantly and those who are rarely in nature.

Long-Term Impact

Drawing on their personal, up-close experience with wildlife in their classrooms, students will feel empowered to make a difference in their communities for the betterment of native wildlife. In turn, when they become of voting age, they will be able to draw on previous emotional experiences with wildlife and in turn, will be able to make thoughtful and powerful decisions for the world in the future. Our programs set the groundwork for students to become stewards for the Earth.



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