Help 200 girls get life changing program pakistan

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationMuwakhat Foundation
Region Pakistan
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Tabinda Jaffery

Every Pakistani girl who dreaming for education is Malala! First Time in Pakistan develop life changing program for girls to help believe on itself, set vision of life, focus on education, dream about career and achieve with clear direction and support. This is 8 week program include remove fear, lack of confidence, influence of community, low performance in study and will know vision of life with goal setting. At end of program, Girl able to believe that she is asset not a liability.


In Pakistan, every girl brought up with though that she is liability for parent instead investment. She cannot dream for Education, professional life, feel equal with boys, respect in community as Girl, student, colleague, Mother, sister, go Abroad to get higher education, set vision of life without influence of community and culture norms Lack of gender equality, preference to boys result: 16% literacy rate, High dropout rate from school,Early marriages, poor health.

Long-Term Impact

Every girl is in school, low rate of early marriage and she become asset instead liability



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