Help 100 Girls Complete Primary School

From Objective Earth



Girls showing the way Large.jpg
OrganizationSheepcare Community Centre
Region Kenya
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Luke Jakoywa

This project will ensure that a 100 girls who are bright find it comfortable to finish school and maximize their potential of doing well in class as causes of absenteeism will be minimized and and the basic facilities to bring incentives to attend class are provided for and we aspire to break the circle of exclusion and vulnerability.


A number of girls who started lower primary school hardly exit successfully to high school. From grade 4 majority begins to drop out of school. Many get married or abandoned after being impregnated and finally lose interest in going further with education. This ruins their future and hold them captive as they sire many children whom nobody cares for. The results is a delinquent society where girls are burdened to provide for children with no fathers to take care of.

Long-Term Impact

The impact will be majority of girls who would otherwise have never had any chance to go to high school will open up greater opportunity to further their education thus making them capable of providing for themselves and their future families and also empower them with relevant knowledge and skills, ensure that they benefit from a full circle of quality education. They will have greater personal power and independence to help them postpone early marriage to an age when they are well prepared.



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