Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationPower of Love Foundation
Region Zambia
Website Website
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Twitter of Love Foundation @Twitter
ProjectLeader Alka Subramanian

This project provides food, medicines, and a package of life saving health care services to 500 HIV+ children, and training in HIV to families. The package of services includes regular health check-ups, psycho social counseling, education in HIV, training and monitoring in adherence to medication and school support. After a few months, the children stabilize and/or improve in health so that they can attend school. Goal is to prevent new HIV infections and teach families self-reliance in health.


Over 1 million children have been orphaned in Zambia - most due to AIDS. Since 42% of the population lives in extreme poverty, it is hard for families to care for its orphans. Many orphaned children live in grandmother or child headed households. Most grandmothers have little about HIV, and no source of income. This program equips grandmas/families with the right tools (via education and training), so they can take better care of their HIV+ children/ family members and become more self-reliant.

Long-Term Impact

We see an improvement in the health of children measured by weight, malnutrition, viral load, CD4 counts, increase in school attendance, more women going in for voluntary counseling and testing, and better knowledge of HIV prevention and care. More people getting tested and starting treatment leads to prevention and spread of HIV. With more open discussions, HIV related stigma and discrimination is lower. The result is a stronger community, more self-reliant in taking care of its own health.



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