Health Care for 10,000 Nicaraguan Campesinos

From Objective Earth



Ph 33640 122012.jpg
OrganizationNicaragua-Projekt e.V.
Region Nicaragua
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Katrin Hennings

Our project has trained 14 local health care providers called brigadistas to provide basic health care to campesino families in 11 remote mountain villages. Brigadistas administer first aid and medications from mini-pharmacies called botiquines. Each month, our Nicaraguan doctor visits each village for consultations. Our nurse refills the botiquines and meets with the brigadistas. Each brigadista sees 50-80 patients per month, in 11 villages: in 2019, we had over 13,000 patient visits.


Campesinos -- farm workers -- and their families living in remote mountain villages around Ocotal in northern Nicaragua have very limited -- or nonexistent -- access to basic healthcare. Basic health care providers can ease a great deal of suffering.

Long-Term Impact

The families in the 11 villages our project serves now have constant access to a local health care provider without charge. Serious problems can be referred to the project doctor who visits each of the villages once a month and is available for free consultations in Ocotal. The families have access to medications dispensed from the mini-pharmacies free of charge. In 2019, we had over 13,000 patient visits.



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[[Category:Lack of access to healthcare for Nicaraguan campesinos Projects]], [[Category:Physical Health in Nicaragua Projects]]

[[Category:Lack of access to healthcare for Nicaraguan campesinos Projects in Nicaragua]], [[Category:Physical Health in Nicaragua Projects in Nicaragua]]