Haverim: Distributing free medication in Israel

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationFriends For Health
Region Israel
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Dalit Boutboul

Our 'Free Medicine' Project supplies over 7,000 people with free medication every month. People that without our help are forced to choose between food - and medication. For them, this life-saving medication is sometimes the difference between life and death.


Every year thousands of people forgo medicine in favor of food: Holocaust survivors, children, infants or simply people whose treatment isn't covered by their health care providers. At Haverim we strongly believe that by diverting medication you no longer need to those who can't afford it, we can both save lives - and help our community. Our program is a unique and ground-breaking initiative in the world. Thanks to its activity, We currently provide over 7,000 chronic patients a month with meds.

Long-Term Impact

For the last 18 years, Haverim has been sending more and more free medicine to patients all over the country. The need is rising and we have succeeding in providing 7-10% more packages of medicine to patients every year. Today we deliver over 1,500 packages of medicine every week, to people who cannot afford their medication. Sometimes because their meds aren't included in the health basket provided by their Health Care Provider, and sometimes simply because they haven't the means.


  1. http://www.haverim.org.il/e/
  2. http://www.haverim.org.il/e

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