Happy Meals for Poor Children and their Families

From Objective Earth



IMG 3073 Large.JPG
OrganizationWomen's Action Against Climate Change Association
Region Philippines
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Michelle Uy

This project will provide highly-nutritious meals for 3 months to 200 very poor and severely malnourished children living in Lubilan, Naawan municipality, a remote mountainous village here in Mindanao in order for them to improve their health and nutrition and provide them with good chance in life.


Many children in a remote village in Naawan municipality here in the Philippines suffer from severe malnutrition due to poverty and increasingly very poor soil and poor farm productivity. Most of their parents are marginal farmers and income from the farm is never enough to feed the family.

Long-Term Impact

Healthy children and their families will mean bright future for them and a vibrant community where they live where everyone help each other for their own improvement and welfare. This will also be a model on how self-reliant communities are developed.


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[[Category:Economic Growth in Philippines Projects]], [[Category:Food insecurity among poor children and families Projects]]

[[Category:Economic Growth in Philippines Projects in Philippines]], [[Category:Food insecurity among poor children and families Projects in Philippines]]