Happy Meals for 500 Hungry Children

From Objective Earth



Happy meals Large.jpg
OrganizationWater, Agroforestry, Nutrition and Development Foundation
Region Philippines
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Cora Sayre

Five hundred hungry children in remote villages that we are serving here in Mindanao shall partake of sumptuous meal in order to make them happy, enjoy good food, improve their nutrition and well-being. The meal will be served by our teams and volunteers and will comprise fried chicken, rice, roasted pig, candies, chocolates and native delicacies. We will also provide toys and slippers for the children. We will target 1,500 children to be served by this initiative.


Children in remote barrios regularly eat salted or dried fish or they have no viand at all except for some vegetables found in the backyard. This project will solve their yearning for Filipino delicacies at least once in the life of a poor child. They will remember this for a long time in their lives.

Long-Term Impact

There is a great need to prevent hunger and malnutrition and to provide sumptuous food for very poor children in remote villages here. The impact will be happiness and smiles for the children and their families.


  1. http://mindaterrapretabiochar.blogspot.com

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[[Category:Arts and Culture in Philippines Projects in Philippines]], [[Category:Food insecurity among children in the community Projects in Philippines]]