Haiti Earthquake - Emergency Assistance in SUD

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationPeace Winds America
Region Japan
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Wayne Nissly

August 14th, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Haiti ended the lives of nearly 1,300 people with hundreds more still missing. More than 14,000 homes were destroyed and nearly as many severely damaged from the quake in the provinces of Cayes, Jeremie and Nippe in Haiti's southwest, leaving some 30,000 families homeless. Peace Winds is on the ground leveraging 12 of our disaster resilient community centers in the SUD as a a launching point for providing basic necessities to those most impacted.


Peace Winds is on the ground in Haiti and ready to respond to the disaster, leveraging 12 of our disaster resilient community centers in the SUD as a launching point for assistance. As we work now to ensure that the resources we have are able to get to the communities most affected, our focus is providing basic necessities to those impacted by loss of family members and loss of property.

Long-Term Impact

Training local residents to build disaster resistant structures will result in homes and schools able to withstand natural disasters. Trained masons and carpenters will construct community centers to practice and demonstrate their skills. As have been demonstrated, these disaster resistant community centers are reliable gathering spaces after emergencies. Join Peace Winds as we stand with Haiti! "Nou pi fo ansanm, bo kot". We are stronger together, side by side.


  1. http://peacewindsamerica.org/
  2. http://peacewindsamerica.org/relief_recovery

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[[Category:Disaster Response in Haiti Projects]], [[Category:Emergency assistance needed in Sud following Haiti earthquake Projects]]

[[Category:Disaster Response in Haiti Projects in Haiti]], [[Category:Emergency assistance needed in Sud following Haiti earthquake Projects in Haiti]]