Habibi and Sport with Refugees (HSR)

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationSoup and Socks e.V.
Region Greece
Website Website
Facebook Facebook
Twitter @Twitter
ProjectLeader Maeve O'Gorman

HSR is a growing community supporting refugees to teach, develop skills and become empowered through sport. This project is a unique synergy between Yoga and Sport with Refugees, Habibi.Works and KOIZ. Now, we offer a full weekly schedule of sports for all. Our inclusive and community-led approach allows us to adapt to the needs of our community and facilitate positive development for our project and participants. We need your support to improve and expand the scope and impact of HSR.


There are more than 3000 refugees living in the north of Greece. Many are stuck in a legal limbo and in difficult living conditions for years with little to no access to education, to psychological support, to the society. This leaves many people seeking asylum with little agency, some citing difficulties in mental health, well-being and a sense of isolation. Additionally asylum seekers are left alone without any tools to support their own mental health.

Long-Term Impact

While our project focuses on refugees, we also welcome people from the local Greek community. This synergy of cultures provides a chance for social integration, friendships and support. The provision of certification, financial support and training for our teachers gives them unique career and life experience which they can use into the future. This campaign will have an impact on the lives of 300 men, women and children in refugee camps near the city of Ioannina.


  1. http://www.soupandsocks.eu
  2. https://www.instagram.com/habibiandsportwithrefugees/
  3. https://habibi.works/habibi-and-sport-with-refugees/
  4. https://yogasportwithrefugees.org/
  5. http://postcolonialstudies.org/cms/en/about-us

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[[Category:Lack of opportunities for refugees to participate in sports Projects]], [[Category:Refugee Rights in Greece Projects]]

[[Category:Lack of opportunities for refugees to participate in sports Projects in Greece]], [[Category:Refugee Rights in Greece Projects in Greece]]