Give refugee and migrant women a chance to thrive

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationWONDER Foundation
Region United Kingdom
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Nicole Bayes-Fleming

Everyone deserves a chance at a happy life. Unfortunately, thousands of women across the world are forced to leave behind the lives they know in search of safety from violence, war, poverty, and other factors. Once they arrive in a new place, their journey is far from over. You can give migrant and refugee women in our programmes the resources they need to earn a good income, learn the local language, and make connections so they can thrive. We support women from Ukraine, Afghanistan, and more.


Migrant and refugee women often do not have the resources and support they need to rebuild their lives. Language barriers, loss of family support, and trauma can make it difficult for them to find a safe place to live, earn a good income, and feel part of their new community. Additionally, women are at greater risk of exploitation and abuse. They often have to take care of their children, which can put them in a more vulnerable position and make it challenging to find work and afford shelter.

Long-Term Impact

Our programmes take a whole-person approach. We not only support women with their immediate needs upon arrival, but also with their mental and physical well-being in the long run. With this support, women who have been through unimaginable hardship and loss can regain a sense of personal agency by working through trauma and developing their confidence. They will have the tools they need to adjust to new country, provide for themselves and their children, and once again live a full, happy life.



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[[Category:Gender Equality in United Kingdom Projects]], [[Category:Lack of opportunities for refugee and migrant women Projects]]

[[Category:Gender Equality in United Kingdom Projects in United Kingdom]], [[Category:Lack of opportunities for refugee and migrant women Projects in United Kingdom]]