Give Antenatal Care to a Poor Pregnant Woman

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationA microproject Care For Healthy Life Initiative
Region Nigeria
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Darlington Ezeagu

This project will support Mrs Martha, to continue going for antenatal care, in order to preserve her health and that of her unborn child. Mrs Martha, is very poor and 5 months pregnant and in dire need of support. During antenatal care, women learn about healthy behaviors and can also access micronutrient supplementation, treatment for hypertension to prevent eclampsia, immunization against tetanus, as well as HIV testing services and medications to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV.


Mrs Martha is a poor woman, who is five months pregnant and hopes to deliver by December or January 2023. She has been under our care for five months now, as we hope to keep supporting her through antenatal care till she delivers. She finds it difficult to feed properly and take care of her only child, talk more of going for antenatal care, as she doesn't have any reliable source of income. Her poor husband works as a mason and finds it very difficult too to take care of them.

Long-Term Impact

With the support she will receive through this project, she will be able to maintain her health and that of her child after delivery and will also, bear witness of the health benefits of going for antenatal care from the inception of pregnancy till delivery, to fellow pregnant women who are not going for it.



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[[Category:Lack of access to antenatal care for poor pregnant women Projects]], [[Category:Physical Health in Nigeria Projects]]

[[Category:Lack of access to antenatal care for poor pregnant women Projects in Nigeria]], [[Category:Physical Health in Nigeria Projects in Nigeria]]