Give An Education To A Trash Picker's Child

From Objective Earth



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Region Indonesia
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ProjectLeader Retno Hapsari

This project's purpose is an ongoing long-term process to break the generational cycle of children in Jakarta, Indonesia, picking trash with their parents to earn a living. XSProject through this project has continuously paved the way for children from pre-school to high school to university until they are independent. It motivates and encourages the children to aim for higher education even after High School. Only with an education can a family have hope of improving their living conditions.


A trash picker earns about $4.00 a day. This is not enough to support a family of 4 or 5. When a child is about 8 years old the parents expect him to go with them to pick trash .Once this cycle begins in a family, there is little chance that the child will be able to go to school and break from this cycle of extreme poverty. Even if a child does start school, they are are often hungry, in fragile health and without simple school supplies have learning challenges, and often drop out.

Long-Term Impact

Giving a trash picker's child a K-12 education and beyond is the first step to breaking the generational cycle of trash picking. Addressing their vision, hearing and health needs assures that they are able to concentrate in school. Socialization with other children in Indonesia's public school system, expands their view of life and the world and encourages them to look beyond their current circumstances. School helps them look to their future and inspires them to work towards attending college.



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[[Category:Gender Equality in Indonesia Projects]], [[Category:Lack of education opportunities for children of trash pickers Projects]]

[[Category:Gender Equality in Indonesia Projects in Indonesia]], [[Category:Lack of education opportunities for children of trash pickers Projects in Indonesia]]