Give 2000 Egyptian Families Affordable Health Care

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationShamseya for Innovative Community Healthcare Solutions
Region Egypt
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Ayman Sabae

59% of Egyptians can benefit from health insurance coverage. Yet, less than 8% of eligible women and 14% of the poorest manage to access such services. You can now enable over 2000 families to access services they are eligible to. We "navigate" patients through the complex and highly bureaucratic healthcare system with ONE goal in mind: "To get the MOST from the coverage they're entitled to". A sustainable solution that supports national healthcare while empowering the least privileged.


92% of Egyptian women eligible to health insurance are not benefiting from its services. Only 1/5 of those eligible end up using their insurance. They either don't know, don't trust in its quality or get lost in the bureaucracy. Out-of-Pocket costs account for more than 63% of total health expenditures. These costs have catastrophic and impoverishing effects on families and women. COVID-19 and restrictions imposed made healthcare even less accessible, specially to those with limited means.

Long-Term Impact

1) Improved ACCESS to healthcare services, 2) Increased AFFORDABILITY, 3) REDUCED out of pocket COSTS paid by families, 4) REDUCED INEFFICIENCIES and parallel tracks in the healthcare system, 5) Systematic support to national system, 6) Improved agency and empowerment of communities. The average yearly cost of health insurance for 1 person in the US is $4840. With the same amount of money, we enable 387 families, or around 1742 persons access to healthcare coverage.



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