Girls' Computer Literacy & Leadership Program

From Objective Earth



Encadrement des filles 2 Large.JPG
OrganizationFriends of African Village Libraries (FAVL)
Region Burkina Faso
Website Website
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Twitter @Twitter
ProjectLeader Michael Kevane

In 2013, FAVL received funds to establish a multi-media center in Hounde, which will allow us to print cheap, locally-made books by authors, storytellers, illustrators and photographers from the area. The center is furnished with 2 computers, a scanner, black and white and color printers and 2 digital cameras. Our target goal will allow us to invite local high school girls to the center to learn computer skills and print their own books, and purchase and maintain computers for the center.


At the moment, there is little access to computers in Hounde, and no computer training available for local high school students. However, technical skills are widely sought in larger cities as the world becomes more technologically literate and are important for students who wish to get ahead. Girls, in particular, have less opportunities to obtain computer skills and often lack the confidence to seek out these opportunities. This project will focus on 50 girls who attend local high schools.

Long-Term Impact

The 50 girls who participate in the program will receive skills that will help them tackle the complicated issue of gender equality. They will learn basic computer skills and begin to understand the publishing process as they produce their own works. This will help them develop technical skills, better express themselves and practice critical thinking. These books will help Burkinabe girls to have access to relatable books and be inspired to add their voices to the national conversation.



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[[Category:Digital Literacy in Burkina Faso Projects]], [[Category:Gender inequality in access to technology and leadership opportunities Projects]]

[[Category:Digital Literacy in Burkina Faso Projects in Burkina Faso]], [[Category:Gender inequality in access to technology and leadership opportunities Projects in Burkina Faso]]