Gift of Blankets, Mosquito Nets and Solar Lamps

From Objective Earth



Distribution3 Large.jpg
OrganizationWomen's Action Against Climate Change Association
Region Philippines
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Michelle Uy

We will provide blankets, mosquito nets and solar lamps to 750 very poor farming families in order to enable them to live comfortably. We often overlook these basic items but with very poor families possessing blankets, mosquito nets and solar lamps is often a luxury and not given priority. With blankets, they will not sleep cold at night, with mosquito nets, they prevent mosquito-borne diseases and with solar lamps, they can do productive work early evenings.


Oftentimes we overlook the basic need of very poor rural families in the rural areas for blankets, mosquito nets and solar lamps. The use of solar lamps for example in off-grid communities is very important because these will enable the members of the family to function early evening. Blankets keep them warm at night and mosquito nets will prevent mosquito-borne diseases.

Long-Term Impact

Mosquito nets, blankets and solar lamps are often overlooked but these are luxury items for very poor families. Simply providing them will tremendously improve their welfare which in turn will enable them to be productive members of their communities.



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