Gift A Solar Lantern...Empower Rural Women & Girls

From Objective Earth



Ph 41691 159874.jpg
OrganizationKukula Solar
Region Zambia
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Francis Mbewe

This project will supply 20,000 solar lamps in Mafuta, Chinunda & Munukwa Chiefdoms of Eastern Zambia to women and girls living on less than $2 a day. The solar lamps will enable women to save up to $2 Million from kerosene purchases within a year of owning a solar lamp. It will enable girls to study when the sun sets and improve their school performance to enable them to remain in school and reduce early marriages. Environmentally, The project will save more than 20,000 tonnes of CO2 emission.


Currently more than 12 million people living in energy poverty in Zambia according to the World Bank data of 2017. Many of the affected people are women and girls who live in hard to reach rural communities and continue to use kerosene lamps for lighting.Kerosene is not good for their health and their unborn babies and bad for our planet.This project will affect more than 60,000 in 3 chiefdom of Eastern Province to switch from kerosene lamps to Solar Lamp use and save them $1 Million annually.

Long-Term Impact

The project will distribute solar lanterns to 20,000 women and girls living in less than $2 a day, allowing them to rise out of poverty by using their saving from kerosene purchase for their families' health and well-being.This will also help school going children to study for longer hours and compete with their peers in urban schools during national exams.Families will save more than $1 Million annually for switching from kerosene to solar and over 20,000 tonnes of CO2 emission will be avoided.



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[[Category:Climate Action in Zambia Projects]], [[Category:Rural women and girls lack access to electricity, limiting their opportunities for education and economic empowerment Projects]]

[[Category:Climate Action in Zambia Projects in Zambia]], [[Category:Rural women and girls lack access to electricity, limiting their opportunities for education and economic empowerment Projects in Zambia]]