Getting 100 homeless off the streets through jobs

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationFundacion Multipolar Conectando Polos por la Equidad Social
Region Argentina
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Fundación Multipolar

This project will give support to 100 homeless people in Buenos Aires to get jobs by offering training, coaching, and one-to-one labor advice, helping them to level opportunities with the rest of us. We accompany people in each step: Volunteers look job-opportunities, we give coaching to face interviews and provide all needed to attend: Place to take a shower, clean clothes, money to travel and place to leave their things. If they get jobs, we help to hire and furnish a room or house.


There are 7251 people living in the streets in Buenos Aires City, according to the last census carried out by social organizations. Most of them want to overcome that situation, but for them, getting a job is not as easy as drafting a resume. They face 5 main challenges when trying to get a job: 1) Lack of ways of contact and access to job opportunities 2) Hygiene and clothing 3) Money to travel 4) Training to gain self-confidence and face interviews 5) A place to sleep when getting a job

Long-Term Impact

This project will help 100 people to get off the streets by getting a job. But this will not only help them alone, but every other homeless people that today are demotivated and could notice that leaving the streets is possible if you reach for help and work as part of a community. This project will sensitize other stakeholders as companies and government offices to work together with us to create a strategy to end homeless in Buenos Aires.



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[[Category:Economic Growth in Argentina Projects]], [[Category:Homeless individuals lack stable employment and income Projects]]

[[Category:Economic Growth in Argentina Projects in Argentina]], [[Category:Homeless individuals lack stable employment and income Projects in Argentina]]