Free Finan-Entrepren. 1000 Venez. Students

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationJovenes Emprendedores/Junior Achievement Venezuela
Region Venezuela
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Ileana Leyba de Villegas

Supporting low income public schools located in the two country states which concentrate younger population, Jovenes Emprendedores/Junior Achievement Venezuela plans to provide free financial and entrepreneurial education to 1000 youngsters attending these schools. These programs help them to gain self-esteem by identifying and strengthening their own abilities, thus lowering school drop-outs and decreasing rates of adolescent pregnancies that are affecting many youngsters before 25 years


As per the last survey conducted by a renowned university, 2,789,000 youngsters between 15 and 25 years are not included neither in the economic nor in the education systems.They are not prepared for inclusion, they are poverty multipliers.Lack of interest for formal studies are due to many factors: education contents have been politicized, economic conditions are worst than ever and adolescents are getting pregnant too early. Improved contents to provide tools for economic inclusion are needed

Long-Term Impact

Providing financial and entrepreneurship education to these youngsters will change communities through business and jobs creation. Livelihood of at least 3000 people from their communities (88%) will improve.Those who do not initiate a business will continue their studies thus achieving better life conditions for them and their families.Identifying and strengthening their self esteem, skills and abilities, they will gain a sense of accomplishment for making smart decisions to overcome poverty.



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