Free Education for 100 poor girls in Pakistan

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationSustainable Development Association (SDA)
Region Pakistan
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Bola having population 6000, is remote village of Punjab, Pakistan. Due to poverty, the illiteracy rate particularly of women is very high. A well equipped school has been established with support of donors. Operational cost was supposed to be met with tuition fees. Unfortunately the poor peasant families cannot bear the nominal fees which resulted in very low enrolment in the school. A monthly support of $10 by adopting a child can change the fate of this village.


There is 84% illiteracy rate of women in the village. Majority of the population are peasants living below the poverty line. Though they have desire` to educate their children but cannot afford the expenses. Crime rate in the village is very high. Women face the discrimination and physical violence as well. Early age marriages of girls are very common. Incidents of honor killings also occur. The project will be revolutionary step and children particularly girls will be benefitted.

Long-Term Impact

Literacy rate of the village will be enhanced significantly. Well educated women will definitely play very useful role to uplift the village and will bring up their children to be a civilized and useful part of the community, whih will reduce crime rate. New economic opportunities will be opened to women and ultimately this will also address the issue of poverty. Women will be equally treated and the evils like early age & exchange marriages and honor killings will no more exist in the village.



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