Forestry Training & Finance for 800 Farms in Kenya

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationDrylands Natural Resources Centre
Region Kenya
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Daniel Pike

For the last 12 years, DNRC has been working with smallholders in Kenya's drylands to break the vicious cycle of high rate of deforestation, more frequent drought, food insecurity and environmental degradation. DNRC today works with over 700 farmers and 12 schools. Over 1 million trees have been planted and farmers are realizing financial benefits from the sale of moringa powder and firewood. Each year, we grow in scale and reduce our reliance on donations. This year we aim to grow 30%.


Since ASALs in habitants are facing high rate of deforestation, frequent drought, high poverty, decreasing crop yield and environmental degradation. People continue to cut down the trees to burn charcoal so as to supplement for the lost crop production without planting more trees. This cycle continues to entangle them in poverty, environmental degradation and malnutrition. DNRC continues to work with the people in drylands to reverse this cycle into virtuous one by planting trees.

Long-Term Impact

This concept is to plant local and appropriate dryland tree species in phases (yearly) and when they mature; are harvested in a rotational manner for timber and non-timber products and replanting/coppicing again in the harvested phase. This way the inhabitants are sustainably addressing the vicious cycle into virtuous cycle of environmental protection, income generation, food security and community regeneration.


  1. http://htttp://

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