Fighting the MMIP Epidemic and Healing Survivors

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationSeeding Sovereignty
Region United States
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Anjanette Wilson

There is an ongoing epidemic of violence against Indigenous women. Too many are stolen from their families by traffickers. Too many are taken, never to return. Searches for missing women are community led, time is of the essence, and many are left to try to heal alone. There are also isolated Indigenous people who have survived residential boarding schools and separation from their communities who deserve healing and care. This Missing and Surviving Indigenous Peoples Initiative is for them.


Existing systems fail Indigenous community members directly impacted by violence, colonization and cycles of racist harms. Families of loved ones who have been stolen need immediate support and financial resources to save lives. Survivors of sexual violence and kidnapping deserve wellness care and healing support. The ongoing hypersexualization and tokenizing of Indigenous women by corporations and culture that increases violence must end. The epidemic of violence to Indigenous people is real.

Long-Term Impact

It is our goal to honor those who have suffered, those we have lost, and humanize statistics so that those who live on are respected and know their loved ones are honored, too. We must advocate for policy change, demand more resources and capacity, and wake people up to how certain extractive industries contribute to so much harm to our people.



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[[Category:Ending Human Trafficking in United States Projects]], [[Category:MMIP epidemic and lack of support for survivors Projects]]

[[Category:Ending Human Trafficking in United States Projects in United States]], [[Category:MMIP epidemic and lack of support for survivors Projects in United States]]