Empower Rwandan women to be community educators

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationPaper Crown Rwanda
Region Rwanda
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Paper Crown Rwanda

This project will directly fund 5 women to join the PCR team as champions of change and help us scale our transformative gender work across Rwanda, a region where violence against girls and women is on the rise. Through this project, we will be able to transform harmful gender norms and support girls and boys to be advocates for social justice.


In 2015, 47% of girls aged 15-19 in Rwanda agreed that a husband is justified in beating his wife if she burns food, argues with him, or refuses to have sex with him. By 2020, that number had jumped to 52% - and climbs even higher to 67% when additional reasons like 'looking in his phone' are included. This project will affect hundreds of girls and women by targeting these harmful norms and beliefs that justify violence, and empowering young women to become community educators.

Long-Term Impact

This project will directly work with future community gender educators who will be positioned to impact and influence hundreds of girls and boys, and indirectly influence their friends, siblings, parents, teachers and communities for years to come - helping Rwanda to establish gender equality.


  1. http://www.paper-crown.org
  2. http://www.paper-crown.org
  3. https://www.instagram.com/papercrownrw/
  4. https://www.facebook.com/papercrownrwanda
  5. https://twitter.com/PaperCrownRw

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[[Category:Gender Equality in Rwanda Projects]], [[Category:Lack of education and opportunities for women in Rwanda Projects]]

[[Category:Gender Equality in Rwanda Projects in Rwanda]], [[Category:Lack of education and opportunities for women in Rwanda Projects in Rwanda]]