Empower 200 Rwandan Girls To Move Out Of Poverty

From Objective Earth



OrganizationAspire Rwanda
Region Rwanda
Website Website
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Aspire Rwanda provides hard-working young people with the skills and confidence to make their own choices which allow them to become self-sufficient. For the past 10 years, Aspire Rwanda has witnessed the transformation that occurs in youth's lives when they complete our vocational skills training. Our graduates are able to use their skills to secure jobs, start their own businesses. Doing so, they break the cycle of poverty.


In the areas that we serve we have met many young girls high school drop outs unable to find employment and affected by extreme poverty. We would therefore like to expand our services to this group and continue a program that will help young women improve their livelihood through vocational skills training.

Long-Term Impact

Aspire Rwanda is dedicated to find ways to make the program sustainable over the long term. This project will reduce the number of girls dropping out of school. 200 girls will be protected and trained to allow them to get jobs, lift out of poverty which will provide their own well being and of their families. To implement this sustainable program, Aspire Rwanda is looking for individuals or organizations passionate about helping young people, specifically in gaining the necessary skills


  1. http://www.aspirerwanda.org
  2. http://www.youtube.com/v/pRQZJJ26yQI
  3. https://www.newtimes.co.rw/section/read/203757

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