Emergency Relief for Displaced Families in Athens

From Objective Earth



Ph 55680 217722.jpg
OrganizationLighthouse Relief
Region Greece
Website Website
Facebook Facebook
Twitter @Twitter
ProjectLeader Chloe Esposito

Approximately 100,000 asylum seekers in Greece currently have no form of supported accommodation and struggle to access housing, medical care, and cover their basic needs. We provide dignified emergency relief to vulnerable individuals and families and strengthen a city-wide support network for people experiencing homelessness. We act as the "missing link" between refugees and services and provide access to food and emergency items as well as holistic support and casework.


Every month, we respond to hundreds of requests for assistance from people experiencing forced displacement in Athens. Support for refugees has dwindled in the face of growing public hostility and government efforts to reframe the issue from one of protection into one of border security. Asylum policies have become increasingly harsh and as a result many people have lost access to food, housing, and cash assistance. These are the men, women and children who rely on our services to get by.

Long-Term Impact

The project provides a lifeline to individuals and families without access to public services or the job market while their asylum claims are pending. Even recognised refugees now only have 30 days (down from 6 months) to secure a job and find housing before losing support. Our outreach to people on the streets connects some of the most vulnerable to services that prevent them from falling through the cracks.


  1. http://www.lighthouserelief.org
  2. https://www.lighthouserelief.org/operations#streetwork
  3. https://www.refugeesinternational.org/reports/2022/2/22/the-fallacy-of-control-tightened-asylum-and-reception-policies-undermine-protection-in-greece

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[[Category:Displacement and lack of basic needs for families in Athens Projects]], [[Category:Refugee Rights Projects]]

[[Category:Displacement and lack of basic needs for families in Athens Projects in Greece]], [[Category:Refugee Rights Projects in Greece]]