Educating 70+ children in Mathare Slum Kenya

From Objective Earth



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ProjectLeader Mariella Scott

We are setting up a 'School of Hope' , an after-school study club facility, located in the heart of the informal slum settlement of Mathare Slum, Kenya. St Benedict's School of Hope will support students aged 9 -18 who were once living on the streets of Mathare, from 6-8pm weekdays and at weekends. For some, the School of Hope will be their only access to education . At the SoH children will have access to books, curriculum materials, mentoring , life skills workshops, music & sports training.


It was estimated in 2007 that there were 250,000- 300,000 children living and working on the streets across Kenya with, with more than 60,000 of them in Nairobi. 14% of these children are either orphaned or abandoned. Over 1/5 of children between the ages of 6 - 11 are out of school, estimated at +60% in Mathare slum. St Benedict's centre has worked to rehabilitate and find homes for 100+ Street Sub-Saharan Children in the local community. Most have never or rarely attended school.

Long-Term Impact

Education has the potential to lift a child out of poverty, by helping children to attend and participate in an educational establishment such as a SoH, they are in a much better position to take advantage of opportunities and find employment in the future. SoH students can study for, sit and achieve their KCPE and KCSE (Kenyan education certificates) , transition between education levels to progress to Higher Education , to be literate and numerate and to be prepared for adulthood.



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