Educate a Girl Zakaat

From Objective Earth



Idara Large.JPG
OrganizationDawood Global Foundation - Educate a Girl
Region Pakistan
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Tara Dawood

Haya is 18 years old who recently did her intermediate. She wish to do higher education as she believes that education is going to help her fulfilling all her dreams and we at EAG wants to help her Zakat is the name of what a Muslim returns out of his or her wealth to the neediest of Muslims for the sake of ALLAH. Its called "Zakaat" because the word is from "Zakaa"" which means to increase, purify and Muslim believe that by donating this money, their wealth will increase and will be purified


Educate a Girl Zakaat is for poverty stricken girls aged 4 to 18 who cannot afford their basic school fees.

Long-Term Impact

By keeping girls in school and enabling them to be educated, you will be opening their minds to possibilities, their hearts to ideas and their lives to opportunities. Educated girls are also better mothers and usually contribute back to their families and communities that strengthen societies and nations. Educate a girl and she will do the rest ...



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