Educate 100 orphan girls in rural India

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationBuds of Christ Charitable Trust
Region India
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Jeyapaul Sunder Singh

Orphan Girls Children are considered a burden in the local society. Buds of Christ aims at educating and protecting rural orphan girls until 21 years where girl children are neglected and exploited physically and abused sexually. This project helps the orphan girls to be educated so that they make right choices, and set goals for their future and pursue it.


Orphan Girl Children are most vulnerable in poor families in Namakkal district. Rising up girl child is considered as a burden due to dowry and gender discrimination. At early age girls are forced into marriage with older men and become young mothers shouldering responsibilities of family. Investments in girls are considered expenses in the society that makes the caretakers/widow mothers in stopping education of girl child. Buds of Christ identifies, educates and empower orphan girl children.

Long-Term Impact

The impact of the project are that all these 100 girls are prevented from child marriages, orphan girls are protected from all sorts of abuse, all complete schooling, and empowered to make right choices. Girls are empowered with a degree, pursue their dreams and come out of the cycle of poverty and abuse.



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[[Category:Gender Equality in India Projects]], [[Category:Lack of educational opportunities for orphan girls in rural India Projects]]

[[Category:Gender Equality in India Projects in India]], [[Category:Lack of educational opportunities for orphan girls in rural India Projects in India]]