Digital Skills & Online Safety 4 Nigerian Children

From Objective Earth



IMG20220407WA0018 Large.jpg
OrganizationTechQuest STEM Academy LTD/GTE
Region Nigeria
Website Website
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ProjectLeader TechQuest STEM Academy

How safe are children online? Children are fast becoming active cyber citizens in the online community and we need to ensure they are safe and responsible navigating the digital world. TechQuest STEM Academy through our "Digital access and safety Project", will provide digital skills training and practical online training programs for 500 children from mainly public schools in Nigeria.


School children are exposed to the internet from a young age and access to smart devices is becoming easier and more affordable. These have created serious safety concerns for parents, educators, public health officials, and the media over the past decade. A study in Nigeria has found that while nine out of 10 teenagers have access to the internet and three out of four have made friends with strangers online, there remains a very low level of digital literacy and awareness on online safety.

Long-Term Impact

TechQuest through the "Digital access and safety Project will upskill 500 young people and help them be safe and responsible while online. Over the past few years, through community engagements, TechQuest has been able to organize over 1800 training, impacted over 32,000 young people, trained over 800 educators and engaged more than 245 schools in 16 of the 36 states in Nigeria. At TechQuest, we believe every African child and young adult should be digitally literate and have digital skills.



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[[Category:Child Protection Projects]], [[Category:Lack of digital skills and online safety knowledge among Nigerian children Projects]]

[[Category:Child Protection Projects in Nigeria]], [[Category:Lack of digital skills and online safety knowledge among Nigerian children Projects in Nigeria]]